Department of Mathematics and Statistics News
Department of Mathematics and Statistics Longstanding Host of Major International Math Conferences
The Schmidt College of Science’s Department of Mathematics and Statistics has a long history of hosting three major international math conferences every year. Held every spring semester, the conferences aim to connect the global math community through a range of disciplines, from the growing field of artificial intelligence (AI) to combinatorics, graph theory, and computing.
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Young CryptograpHers Cybersecurity Summer Camp, August 5-9, 2024
The Cryptography faculty and staff in the Department on Mathematics and Statistics at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) hosted the 5th Young CryptograpHers Cybersecurity Summer Camp (YCCSC) in the Sandbox during the week of August 5, 2024, and was held in the Sandbox located in the Wimberly Library. The YCCSC was funded in part by grants from the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America.
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FAU Receives $2.6 Million NSF CyberCorps Scholarship Grant
This project leverages the deep faculty expertise and course offerings to drive student training and skill development at the intersection of cybersecurity and thematic areas of AI, post-quantum cryptography, and hardware security.
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FAU Hosts Second Annual Florida Summer Institute in Biostatistics and Data Science
The second cohort of the prestigious Florida Summer Institute in Biostatistics and Data Science is already half-way through its intensive program at Florida Atlantic University’s Boca Raton campus. From May 22 to June 30, FAU is home to 12 undergraduate or early graduate students from around the country who are eager to learn from an immersive training experience focused on biostatistics, epidemiology, and data science.
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The Department of Mathematical Science hosts Middle School Math Day (AMC 8) on January 21, 2023
Ph.D. Student Spotlight
Binod Rimal is studying machine learning and statistics.
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Student Alumni Spotlight: Vivek Sreejithkumar
"I have conducted several research projects with Dr. Tuncer since I was a sophomore, researching the epidemiological modeling of infectious diseases including H1N1 influenza, COVID-19, and HIV. I have published my previous research projects with Dr. Tuncer in the FAU Undergraduate Research Journal, SIAM Undergraduate Research Online, and the Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering journal."
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Postdoc Spotlight: Wai-Ting Lam
Welcome to Wai-Ting Lam, Ph.D., a postdoctoral fellow who will be studying celestial mechanics.
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FAU Hosts Second Annual Florida Summer Institute in Biostatistics and Data Science
Lead author on the study Necibe Tuncer, Ph.D., developed novel mathematical framework.
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Combinatorics, Computing, Group Theory and Application
The conference was held at the Wyndham in Deerfield Beach, Florida, August 14 – 21, 2022.
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Sulani Vidhanalage participated in the Park City Mathematics Institute’s summer session. Read more.
Best Wishes to Dr. Roger Goldwyn
Dr. Goldwyn has officially retired from Florida Atlantic University - August 2022. Read more.
Best Wishes to Dr. Lee Klingler
Dr. Klingler has officially retired from Florida Atlantic University - August 2022. Read more.
Mathematical Sciences Student Wins Runner-Up in 2022 Three Minute Thesis Championship
Charles E. Schmidt College of Science Ph.D. candidate in Mathematics, Amish Mishra, took home the Runner-Up award from FAU's 6th annual Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Championship this year for his presentation, "Seeing data: For now we see dimly, but soon we will see shape to shape." Mishra works with faculty advisor, Assistant Professor, Francis Motta, Ph.D. June, 2022. Read more.
Congratulations, Amish Mishra!
Ph.D. candidate, Amish Mishra spent 10 weeks this summer at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory for a summer internship program. While there, he competed in the 2022 Ignite Off! Competition, hosted by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE). June, 2022. Read more.
Ph.D. Student Spotlight: Archana Neupane Timsina, Mathematical Sciences
Early congratulations to soon-to-be graduate Archana Neupane Timsina! Archana will graduate from FAU in August with her Ph.D. in Mathematics. Her research interests focus on infectious disease epidemics and computing invariant manifold of implicit dynamical systems. June, 2022. Read more.
Math Student National Winner in 2021 Rising Scientist Awards
Vivek Sreejithkumar conducted mathematical modeling alongside mathematical biologist and Associate Professor, Necibe Tuncer, Ph.D. Read more.
NIST Selects FAU Department of Mathematical Sciences Professor’s Quantum-Resistant Cryptographic Algorithm
Shi Bai, Ph.D., an associate professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences and collaborators are actively involved in the development of new international standards to protect cyber infrastructure. Read more.
International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics Re-cap
The International Symposium held its 17th event (virtually) January 3-5, 2022.
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53rd Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing Re-cap
The 53rd Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing (SEICCGTC 53) was held fully “hybrid” on March 7-11, 2022.
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Math Day in the Sandbox, October 23, 2021 Read more
FAU Quality Enhancement Plan: LeArning Reimagined
Departmental Leadership's Proposal Selected.
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Brittanney Adelmann
B.A. to M.S. to Ph.D. in Mathematics at FAU.
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AU Researcher’s Algorithm Part of Final Selection Round for Creating First Post-Quantum Cryptography Standard
Congratulations to Edoardo Persichetti, Ph.D. whose proposal for a cryptographic encryption scheme made it to the final round of the Post-Quantum Standardization process. August, 2020.
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Three Year NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship Awarded to Jorge Gonzalez
Every fall the National Science Foundation (NSF) invites STEM Ph.D. candidates in the final year of their studies to apply for the prestigious NSF postdoctoral fellowship program.
February, 2020.
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FAU Mathematics Professor’s Book Hits Amazon’s Top 20 List
Over the summer, Dragan Radulović, Ph.D., Department of Mathematical Sciences Professor, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, released his second book, “Why Does Math Work ... If It’s Not Real?” In the months following its publication, Radulović has been amazed by his book’s success.
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Math Researcher Makes Breakthrough in Understanding Malaria
Francis Motta, Ph.D., and colleagues uncovered evidence that will enable scientists to develop new strategies and treatments to prevent and control parasitic infections.
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Science Students Compete at FURC 2021
Daniela Nikolova, Ph.D., Senior mathematics Instructor, and her team of students and alumni competed for the second consecutive year at the Florida Undergraduate Research Conference 2021.
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Even Colleges with 100 Percent Vaccine Rates Need COVID-19 Testing
Findings from the study suggest that surveillance testing and isolation of positive cases may remain important mitigation strategies for universities even if 100 percent of the students are vaccinated.
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Graduate Student Spotlight - Dominic Gold
A highlight of my time as a graduate student has been presenting my research at seminars and conferences related to data science and cryptography. Talks and conferences are important for graduate students to attend as one can foster important relationships with world-leading pioneers in their field of research as well as re-establish contact with researchers that one has met at past conferences. These can lead to fruitful opportunities for collaboration and even potential job opportunities."
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Alumnus Named University of Montenegro President
Vladimir Bozovic, Ph.D., 2008 alumnus, named President of the University of Montenegro.
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Biostatician Awarded $6.6 Million NIH Grant to Study Alzheimer's
Reducing disparities in Alzheimer's and dementia outcomes in multicultural rural populations.
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NSF CAREER Award for Cryptography
Shi Bai, Ph.D., receives award for cutting-edge research.
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Alumna Spotlight with Catherine Berrouët
Catherine Berrouet is an alumna of the Department of Mathematical Sciences, earning an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and Statistics.
Zvi Rosen Receives MAA Merten M. Hasse Award
Rosen and collaborators receive award for “Algebraic Matroids in Action." Read more. View the MAA FOCUS newsmagazine that contains Rosen's award listing on page 13.
Congratulations to Daniela Nikolova
Daniela Nikolova earned the Certificate of Professional Development in Online Pedagogy for succesfully completing Professional Development in Online Pedagogy. This certificate marks a high level of achievement in professional development. Daniela Nikolova was cordially invited to join the launch of FAU’s Faculty Innovation Hub where the Provost recognized Daniela and others at FAU colleagues who have earned this certificate. Thank you for your continued commitment to the continuous improvement of online education for students at Florida Atlantic University.
Announcing the Chair of the Department of Mathematical Sciences
Professor Stephen C. Locke, Ph.D., distinguished member of the Schmidt College of Science, appointed as chair. Read more.
New Faculty Spotlight: Big Data Holds the Link
Yang Li, Ph.D., a new assistant professor in the department of mathematical sciences in the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, studies formulas, models, and techniques used in the statistical analysis of research data. Read more.
Student Spotlight with Sunil Giri
Learn about Ph.D. candidate Sunil Giri's research and journey in graduate school, and some tips for current students. Read more.
Alumna Spotlight NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography
Dr. Angela Robinson graduated with a Ph. D. in Spring, 2018. This is her most recent story about her work in cryptography since going on after her studies here at Florida Atlantic University. Read more.
Papiya Bhattacharjee, Ph.D., Receives Distance Learning Innovation Award
The Department of Mathematical Sciences is pleased to announce that Dr. Papiya Bhattacharjee, Instructor and Graduate Faculty, Florida Atlantic University, received the United States Distance Learning Association’s (USDLA) Innovation Award. Read more.
Congrats to faculty and staff within the Department of Mathematical Sciences who have received Service Awards during 2020 and 2021! Erik Lundberg-5 years; Sonia Clayton-5 years; Yuan Wang-30 years, Lee Klingler-35 years; Tomas Schonbek-50 years! Congratulations!
Emily Cimillo, Budget and Outreach Manage Receives iTHINK Financial Customer Service Award!
Emily ensures efficient and effective use of FAU resources. She also assists faculty with grant proposal submissions and facilitates the department’s community outreach activities.
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Shi Bai, Ph.D.,
has received the coveted National Science Foundation (NSF)
Early Career (CAREER) award. The CAREER program offers the NSF’s most prestigious awards in support of early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization. Shi Bai,
an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, received this award for his cutting-edge research in the fields of mathematical cryptography. Read more.
Florida Women in Mathematics Day 2020
The AWM chapter hosted its official second annual Florida Women in Mathematics Day-Conference also known as FWIMD. Read more.
51st Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing
The 51st Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing (SEICCGTC) international meeting of mathematical scientists. Read more.
Assistant Professor Receives Grant
Lun-Ching Chang, Ph.D., an Assistant Professor, and a Statistics Advisor recently received a five-year $6.6 million R01 grant to study Alzheimer's. Read more.
Math Day 2020!
Congratulations to all of our winners! The contest results are posted below. For all who won a cash prize, please check out the Winners' Circle module for details in processing your prize! Read more.
FAU High Student Pursuing Combined Bachelor’s to Master’s in Mathematics
Joining FAU High School his junior year and beginning his coursework at Florida Atlantic in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Kenneth “Alex” Dowling immediately displayed his enthusiasm and exceptional talent for mathematics. Read more.
The Florida Undergraduate Research Conference (FURC)
FURC is one of the nation's largest multi-disciplinary research conferences. It is an annual event open to all undergraduate researchers in the state of Florida. Read more.
Emmanuel Fleurantin Accepted to the Dynamics and Data in the COVID-19 Pandemic Summer Program.
Mr. Emmanuel Fleurantin, a graduate student in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, has been accepted into the Dynamics and data in the COVID-19 pandemic summer program, which will be taught by the American Institute of Mathematics. Read more.
Meet Floyd Johnson - Graduate Assistant
Floyd worked as a research assistant at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington D.C. for 10 weeks in the summer of 2019. Read more.
Student Spotlight with Amaury Miniño
Amaury Miniño works with Assistant Professor, Dr. Pamela E. Harris, Ph.D., in continuation of his summer Research Experience for Undergraduates. Read more.
Logical Foundations in Computer Science Conference 2020
The seventh Logical Foundations in Computer Science Conference (LFCS) was held from January 4-7, 2020 at the Wyndham in Deerfield Beach.
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FAU Hosts the Southeastern Regional Learning Assistant (LA) Workshop
Florida Atlantic University hosted the Southeastern Regional Learning Assistant (LA) Workshop. In addition to presentations and panels with students and faculty on this approach to active learning, the workshop program included classroom visits in two calculus and a chemistry course taught with learning assistants. Read more.
Affordability Counts at FAU
The College of Science’s Methods of Calculus course text and supplemental materials are now free to ensure greater access and affordability to students. Through the State University System of Florida’s Affordability Counts initiative, the FAU Department of Mathematical Sciences began taking steps to advance affordability in its courses. Read More.
2020 Florida GeoGebra Conference
The 2020 Florida GeoGebra Conference served as a forum for teachers, researchers, and innovators to exchange ideas and present pedagogical and mathematical examples of research-based instructional strategies. Read more.
The Fifth Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics (CMPD5)
(CMPD5) took place at the Bahia Mar hotel in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA, from May 19 to May 25, 2019. This international conference was attended by more than 200 participants from 17 countries. More than 90 participants were graduate students, post-docs or young faculty up to 5 years post Ph.D. Read more.
Biometric Invention to Enhance Data Security
The Office of Technology Development recently filed a utility patent application for an invention that addresses the problem of biometric data protection at different stages of collection, using simple and intuitive transformation techniques to enhance overall data security and resistance to fraud. Read More.
Dr. Rainer Steinwandt Awarded 2018 NATO Science for Peace and Security Partnership Prize
FAU’s Dr. Rainer Steinwandt was awarded the
2018 NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Partnership Prize
at the NATO SPS program’s 60th anniversary on November 29, 2018.
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How to Manage Math Anxiety in the Classroom
Watch the video here!