Welcome to the Association For Women in Mathematics, Florida Atlantic University's Student Chapter!

The purpose of the Association for Women in Mathematics is to encourage women and girls to study and to have active careers in the mathematical sciences, and to promote equal opportunity and the equal treatment of women and girls in the mathematical sciences.

AWM is excited to invite you to join us at the Florida Women in Math Day on April, 06th! At the event will be research talks, poster presentations, working group discussions, and more! People of all genders, backgrounds, and ages are welcome to attend and present. Lunch and refreshments are provided.  FLYER

What do AWM student chapters do?

Provide community:  We hope our AWM Student chapters will become communities with an awareness of and sensitivity to the unique features – both positive and negative – of promoting gender equity in the mathematical community. Our aim is in reducing barriers for historically under-represented gender identities and gender expressions. To this end, the AWM community strongly stands by its nondiscrimination statement to create a supportive environment for all. 

Hold meetings and events:  We encourage our AWM Student Chapters to hold regular meetings and events open to all undergraduate and graduate students, regardless of major or gender. 

Partner with other organizations:  One great way for an already active department to start a student chapter is to combine it with an existing Math Club. For example, combine efforts with Pi Mu Epsilon or the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. 

Be awesome:  Ultimately, the shape your student chapter will take is up to you and should depend on the needs and interests of your members. The AWM wants to support its student chapters in achieving their own visions. Our AWM Student Chapters inspire us as well as each other. 

All Are Welcome to Join! 

Find out more about AWM here!