SIAM - Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
SIAM Reading Group
Mar 17, 2025: Introduction to Machine Learning (cont’d)
Venue: Science Building (SE-43), Room 215
Time: 4 - 5 PM
Speaker: Matthew Trang
More Undergraduate and Graduate Student Opportunities
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics has an internationally recognized research faculty active in the following areas:
Rings, modules, groups and their representations; applications to combinatorial designs and cryptology, computational algebra
Harmonic analysis, function and operator theory and their interactions; Sobolev inequalities; inequalities involving the Fourier transform; operators on Banach spaces; ordinary and partial differential equations; stochastic differential systems; vortex and climate dynamics with applications to climatic and financial markets
Enumerative and algebraic combinatorics; graph theory; design theory and applications; finite projective planes and their automorphisms; finite geometries, and Euclidean geometry
Post quantum cryptography, in particular code-based cryptography, elliptic curve cryptography (isogenies), lattice-based cryptography, multivariate cryptography, zero-knowledge proofs and blockchains, hash-based cryptography.
Nonlinear dynamical systems, computational topological methods, complex dynamical systems, fractal geometry, mathematical theory of control systems, stability analysis
Constructive mathematics; set theory; higher computability
Multi-host multi-strain epidemiological models, host immune response, nested immuno-epidemiological dynamics, spatial temporal dynamics in epidemiology, reaction diffusion systems, cell motility, time-since-infection structured partial differential equations, age structured pde's, avian influenza, Ebola
Time-series analysis and regression modeling; parametric and nonparametric function estimation; weak convergence of stochastic processes; environmental statistics and biostatistics
Technology in the classroom, integrated curricula, improving performance for pre-calculus mathematics and in mathematics for engineering students