In the News


CyberCorps® Scholarship for Service (SFS) program at FAU!
Join us Wednesday, February 12th from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM for a comprehensive overview of this incredible scholarship opportunity.
For additional information see:


  • Date: Wednesday, February 12th
  • Time: 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM
  • Location: EE405
  • Pizza will be served!

Please RSVP by clicking here.

To Learn more about the program, CLICK HERE!


SIAM - Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) is pleased to announce we are accepting applications for the SIAM-Simons Undergraduate Summer Research Program, which will provide research, networking, and mentorship opportunities to U.S. students from underrepresented groups. Participating students will receive a stipend of $1,000/week for eight weeks and will have their housing, meals, and travel expenses paid.

LEARN MORE     flyer

Applications are due February 7 and supporting letters of recommendation are due February 12.


Applications are open for the 2025 Florida Atlantic Business Pitch Competition – Student Track. This is your chance to showcase your innovative ideas and compete for startup seed funding. This is open to ALL MAJORS across Florida Atlantic. Please help us spread the word.

Application Deadline:  Friday, February 14, 2025 

Eligibility + Rules/Regulations  and link to submit application:  2025 Florida Atlantic Business Pitch Competition – Student Track!

If you have any questions or need additional information, feel free to contact us at +1 561-297-3653 or  We look forward to seeing your application and cheering you on! 

The Florida Atlantic Business Pitch Competition Team 



Saturday, February 22, 2025   9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Learn More Here!

Please contact organizers before January 31, 2025 for travel support!


More Undergraduate and Graduate Student Opportunities


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Funded Grants and Projects

Collaborative Research: Modeling the Opiod and HIV Epidemics, 8/1/20-7/31/23
PI:  Necibe Tuncer
Funding Agency:  National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded:  $99,997.00

Concrete Hardness in Lattice-based Cryptography. 5/15/21-4/30/26
PI:  Shi Bai
Funding Agency:  National Science Foundation
Amunt Awareded:  $294,852.00

UM - Multicultural Community Dementia Screening, 5/1/21=1/31/22
PI:  Lun-Ching Chang
Funding Agency:  University of Miami
Amount Awarded:  $53,387.00

CISE-ANR: CNS Core: Small: Crytographic Hardness of Module Lattices, 10/1/21-9/30/24
PI:  Shi Bai
Funding Agency:  National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded:  $246,337.00

Southeastern Internatioanl Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing. 9/1/21-8/31/22
PI:  Frederick Hoffman
Funding Agency:  National Security Agency
Amount Awareded $40,286.00

UM - Impact of COVID on VCID Outcomes in a Multicultural Rural Population - Admin Supp (COVID 19), 9/1/21=8/31/22
PI:  Lun-Ching Cahng
University of Miami
Amount Awarded:  $30,095.00

NSF - Conference on Combinatorics, Computing, Group Theory, and Applications 2022, 7/2/22-6/30/23
PI:  Daniela Nikolova
Funding Agence:  National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded:  $49,138.00

Determining Cryptographic Security Margins in the Presence of Quantum Computing, 9/1/20-8/31/22
PI: Rainer Steinwandt
Funding Agency: National Security Agency (NCAE-C)
Amount Awarded: $161,091

Validated Computational Methods in Global Analysis and Application to Celestial Mechanics, 8/15/18-7/31/21
PI: Jason Mireles-James
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $131,975

A Combinatorial and Topological Framework for Deriving Dynamics from Data,  5/15/18-4/30/21
PI: William Kalies
Funding Agency: College of William & Mary/Army Research Office
Amount Awarded: $228,620

Probabilistic and External Problems of Real and Complex Polynomials, 9/1/20-8/31/25
PI: Erik Lundberg
Funding Agency: Simons Foundation
Amount Awarded: $42,000

Emerging Side-Channel Resistant and Resource-Friendly Elliptic Curve Algorithms and Architectures, 5/1/17 - 4/30/20
PI: Reza Azarderakhsh / Co-PI: Koray Karabina
Funding Agency: US Army
Amount Awarded to Date: $30,870 ($392,493 anticipated)  

Studie Entwicklungsstand Quantencomputer/Study development of quantum computer, 1/10/17 - 1/9/20
PI: Rainer Steinwandt
Funding Agency: Saarland University (GER) / German Federal Office for Information Security
Amount Awarded: $120,779

Privacy-Aware Wearable-Assisted Continuous Authentication Framework, 8/15/17 - 7/31/19
PI: Koray Karabina
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $142,280

Quantum Technology, High-Speed Encryption and Global Analysis of Networks, 2/12/15 - 2/11/18 
PI: Rainer Steinwandt and Warner Miller 
Funding Agency: US Air Force Research Laboratory 
Amount Awarded: $392,482 

Linking Within-Host and Between-Host Infectious Disease Dynamics, 9/15/15 - 8/31/18
PI: Necibe Tuncer
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $92,517 

A Degeneration Problem Invariant Subspaces , 9/1/12 - 8/31/18 
PI: Marcus Schmidmeier 
Funding Agency: Simons Foundation
Amount Awarded: $35,000

Travel Funds for the Conference on "Complex Functions, Operators, Partial Differential Equations, and Applications in Mathematical Physics," 1/1/17-12/31/17
PI: Erik Lundberg
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $9,743

Sobolev Inequalities and Isoperimetry, 7/1/11 - 8/31/17 
PI: Mario Milman 
Funding Agency: Simons Foundation 
Amount Awarded: $35,000 

Standards Mapped Graduate Education & Mentoring, 8/1/04 - 7/31/12
PI: Dr. Heinz-Otto Peitgen
Co-PI: Dr. Richard Voss
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $4,454,964

Pattern Exploration: Integrating Math and Science for the Middle School, 5/1/99 - 10/31/04
PI: Dr. Heinz-Otto Peitgen
Co-PI: Dr. Richard Voss
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $2,138,013

Secure Telecommunication Networks: Two Cryptology Projects, 9/1/04 - 12/31/05
PI: Dr. Spyros Magliveras
Funding Agency: Pragmatics/DOD
Amount Awarded: $306,644

Mulitscale Analysis of Nonlinear Systems, 9/1/05 - 02/28/10
PI: Dr. William Kalies
Funding Agency: Department of Energy
Amount Awarded: $284,003

CAREER: Practical Leakage Resilience: Provable Side-Channel Resistance for Embedded Systems, 1/15/11 - 12/31/15
Transfer to WPI as of 8/13/12
PI: Dr. Thomas Eisenbarth
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $219,631

Secure Telecommunications, 9/16/05 - 12/31/06
PI: Dr. Spyros Magliveras
Funding Agency: Pragmatics/DOD
Amount Awarded: $165,000

Study of Nonlinear Infinite Dimensional Systems, 7/1/05 - 6/30/09
PI: Dr. William Kalies
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $161,219

Pervasive Computing - Security in a GIG Architecture, 1/10/08 - 1/9/09
PI: Dr. Spyros Magliveras
Co-PI: Dr. Rainer Steinwandt
Funding Agency: Pragmatics/Department of Defense
Amount Awarded: $132,000

EAGER: Small-Scale Quantum Circuits with Applications in Cryptanalysis, 1/1/11 - 12/31/12
PI: Dr. Rainer Steinwandt
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $110,534

Nonlinear Control Analysis & Design, 6/1/05 - 06/30/10
PI: Dr. Yuan Wang
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $88,620

Characterization on Stability Properties for Nonlinear Systems, 7/15/00 - 6/30/04
PI: Dr. Yuan Wang
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $80,939

MSE/CS Magnet Programs at Suncoast High School, 8/17/10 - 5/7/11
PI: Dr. William Mech
Funding Agency: The School Board of Palm Beach County
Amount Awarded: $60,000

MSE/CS Magnet Programs at Suncoast High School, 8/20/09 - 5/15/10
PI: Dr. William Mech
Funding Agency: Palm Beach School District
Amount Awarded: $60,000

MSE/CS Magnet Programs at Suncoast High School, 8/18/08 - 5/15/09
PI: Dr. William Mech
Funding Agency: Palm Beach School District
Amount Awarded: $60,000

PurigeN98 Research Project, 5/1/08 - 4/30/09
PI: Dr. Hongwei Long
Funding Agency: N2 Revolution
Amount Awarded: $45,651

Computational Intersection Theory for Infinite Dimensional Dynamical Systems , 8/1/14 - 6/30/16 
PI: Jason Mireles-James 
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation 
Amount Transferred to FAU: $45,564

Secure Implementation of Post-quantum Cryptography, 11/1/13 - 10/31/16 
PI: Rainer Steinwandt 
Funding Agency: North Atlantic Treaty Organization 
Amount Awarded: $38,140 

Forty-Sixth and Forty-Seventh Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing , 8/14/14 - 8/13/16 
PI: Frederick Hoffman; Co-PI: Stephen Locke 
Funding Agency: National Security Agency 
Amount Awarded: $33,994

Avian Influenza: Modeling, Analysis and Implications for Control, 8/1/14 - 8/31/16 
PI: Necibe Tuncer 
Funding Agency: University of Florida/National Science Foundation 
Amount Transferred to FAU: $25,130

Thirty-sixth Southeastern International Conference, 11/24/04 - 5/23/06
PI: Dr. Frederick Hoffman
Funding Agency: National Security Agency
Amount Awarded: $18,500

International Workshop on Concentration, Functional Inequalities & Isoperimetry, 10/1/09 - 9/30/10
PI: Dr. Mario Milman
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $16,000

Thirty-fifth Southeastern International Conference, 12/11/03 - 6/10/05
PI: Dr. Frederick Hoffman
Funding Agency: National Security Agency
Amount Awarded: $12,500

Thirty-fourth Southeastern International Conference, 8/27/02 - 8/26/03
PI: Dr. Frederick Hoffman
Funding Agency: National Security Agency
Amount Awarded: $12,500

Thirty-third Southeastern International Conference, 3/4/02 - 9/30/03
PI: Dr. Frederick Hoffman
Funding Agency: National Security Agency
Amount Awarded: $12,500

Thirty-eighth Southeastern International Conference, 12/20/06 - 12/19/07
PI: Dr. Frederick Hoffman
Funding Agency: National Security Agency
Amount Awarded: $12,000

Thirty-seventh Southeastern International Conference, 2/27/06 - 2/26/07
PI: Dr. Frederick Hoffman
Funding Agency: National Security Agency
Amount Awarded: $12,000

Workshop on Constructive Mathematics, 9/1/09 - 8/31/10
PI: Dr. Robert Lubarsky
Co-PI: Dr. Fred Richman
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $11,400

MAMLS 2012, 9/16/11 - 1/15/12
PI: Dr. Robert Lubarsky
Funding Agency: Research Foundation CUNY
Amount Awarded: $10,000

Serre Duality for Systems of Submodules, 10/1/08 - 12/31/08
PI: Dr. Markus Schmidmeier
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $9,300

Travel Support for the Weekend Algebra Conference, 7/1/03 - 6/30/04
PI: Dr. Lee Klingler
Co-PI: Dr. Markus Schmidmeier
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $9,000

Study of US Math Teacher Prep: US TEDS-M Initiative, 1/1/08 - 7/31/09
PI: Ms. Emily Ann Cimillo
Funding Agency: Michigan State University
Amount Awarded: $8,790

Algebraic Side Channel Analysis, 6/1/11 - 5/31/12
PI: Dr. Thomas Eisenbarth
Funding Agency: Oak Ridge Associated Universities
Amount Awarded: $5,000


Updated on 7/13/17