SIAM - Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
SIAM Reading Group
Mar 17, 2025: Introduction to Machine Learning (cont’d)
Venue: Science Building (SE-43), Room 215
Time: 4 - 5 PM
Speaker: Matthew Trang
More Undergraduate and Graduate Student Opportunities
Collaborative Research: Modeling the Opiod and HIV Epidemics, 8/1/20-7/31/23
PI: Necibe Tuncer
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $99,997.00
Concrete Hardness in Lattice-based Cryptography. 5/15/21-4/30/26
PI: Shi Bai
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amunt Awareded: $294,852.00
UM - Multicultural Community Dementia Screening, 5/1/21=1/31/22
PI: Lun-Ching Chang
Funding Agency: University of Miami
Amount Awarded: $53,387.00
CISE-ANR: CNS Core: Small: Crytographic Hardness of Module Lattices, 10/1/21-9/30/24
PI: Shi Bai
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $246,337.00
Southeastern Internatioanl Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing. 9/1/21-8/31/22
PI: Frederick Hoffman
Funding Agency: National Security Agency
Amount Awareded $40,286.00
UM - Impact of COVID on VCID Outcomes in a Multicultural Rural Population - Admin Supp (COVID 19), 9/1/21=8/31/22
PI: Lun-Ching Cahng
University of Miami
Amount Awarded: $30,095.00
NSF - Conference on Combinatorics, Computing, Group Theory, and Applications 2022, 7/2/22-6/30/23
PI: Daniela Nikolova
Funding Agence: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $49,138.00
Determining Cryptographic Security Margins in the Presence of Quantum Computing, 9/1/20-8/31/22
PI: Rainer Steinwandt
Funding Agency: National Security Agency (NCAE-C)
Amount Awarded: $161,091
Validated Computational Methods in Global Analysis and Application to Celestial Mechanics, 8/15/18-7/31/21
PI: Jason Mireles-James
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $131,975
A Combinatorial and Topological Framework for Deriving Dynamics from Data, 5/15/18-4/30/21
PI: William Kalies
Funding Agency: College of William & Mary/Army Research Office
Amount Awarded: $228,620
Probabilistic and External Problems of Real and Complex Polynomials, 9/1/20-8/31/25
PI: Erik Lundberg
Funding Agency: Simons Foundation
Amount Awarded: $42,000
Emerging Side-Channel Resistant and Resource-Friendly Elliptic Curve Algorithms and Architectures, 5/1/17 - 4/30/20
PI: Reza Azarderakhsh / Co-PI: Koray Karabina
Funding Agency: US Army
Amount Awarded to Date: $30,870 ($392,493 anticipated)
Studie Entwicklungsstand Quantencomputer/Study development of quantum computer, 1/10/17 - 1/9/20
PI: Rainer Steinwandt
Funding Agency: Saarland University (GER) / German Federal Office for Information Security
Amount Awarded: $120,779
Privacy-Aware Wearable-Assisted Continuous Authentication Framework, 8/15/17 - 7/31/19
PI: Koray Karabina
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $142,280
Quantum Technology, High-Speed Encryption and Global Analysis of Networks, 2/12/15 - 2/11/18
PI: Rainer Steinwandt and Warner Miller
Funding Agency: US Air Force Research Laboratory
Amount Awarded: $392,482
Linking Within-Host and Between-Host Infectious Disease Dynamics, 9/15/15 - 8/31/18
PI: Necibe Tuncer
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $92,517
A Degeneration Problem Invariant Subspaces
, 9/1/12 - 8/31/18
PI: Marcus Schmidmeier
Funding Agency: Simons Foundation
Amount Awarded: $35,000
Travel Funds for the Conference on "Complex Functions, Operators, Partial Differential Equations, and Applications in Mathematical Physics," 1/1/17-12/31/17
PI: Erik Lundberg
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $9,743
Sobolev Inequalities and Isoperimetry, 7/1/11 - 8/31/17
PI: Mario Milman
Funding Agency: Simons Foundation
Amount Awarded: $35,000
Standards Mapped Graduate Education & Mentoring, 8/1/04 - 7/31/12
PI: Dr. Heinz-Otto Peitgen
Co-PI: Dr. Richard Voss
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $4,454,964
Pattern Exploration: Integrating Math and Science for the Middle School, 5/1/99 - 10/31/04
PI: Dr. Heinz-Otto Peitgen
Co-PI: Dr. Richard Voss
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $2,138,013
Secure Telecommunication Networks: Two Cryptology Projects, 9/1/04 - 12/31/05
PI: Dr. Spyros Magliveras
Funding Agency: Pragmatics/DOD
Amount Awarded: $306,644
Mulitscale Analysis of Nonlinear Systems, 9/1/05 - 02/28/10
PI: Dr. William Kalies
Funding Agency: Department of Energy
Amount Awarded: $284,003
CAREER: Practical Leakage Resilience: Provable Side-Channel Resistance for Embedded Systems, 1/15/11 - 12/31/15
Transfer to WPI as of 8/13/12
PI: Dr. Thomas Eisenbarth
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $219,631
Secure Telecommunications, 9/16/05 - 12/31/06
PI: Dr. Spyros Magliveras
Funding Agency: Pragmatics/DOD
Amount Awarded: $165,000
Study of Nonlinear Infinite Dimensional Systems, 7/1/05 - 6/30/09
PI: Dr. William Kalies
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $161,219
Pervasive Computing - Security in a GIG Architecture, 1/10/08 - 1/9/09
PI: Dr. Spyros Magliveras
Co-PI: Dr. Rainer Steinwandt
Funding Agency: Pragmatics/Department of Defense
Amount Awarded: $132,000
EAGER: Small-Scale Quantum Circuits with Applications in Cryptanalysis, 1/1/11 - 12/31/12
PI: Dr. Rainer Steinwandt
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $110,534
Nonlinear Control Analysis & Design, 6/1/05 - 06/30/10
PI: Dr. Yuan Wang
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $88,620
Characterization on Stability Properties for Nonlinear Systems, 7/15/00 - 6/30/04
PI: Dr. Yuan Wang
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $80,939
MSE/CS Magnet Programs at Suncoast High School, 8/17/10 - 5/7/11
PI: Dr. William Mech
Funding Agency: The School Board of Palm Beach County
Amount Awarded: $60,000
MSE/CS Magnet Programs at Suncoast High School, 8/20/09 - 5/15/10
PI: Dr. William Mech
Funding Agency: Palm Beach School District
Amount Awarded: $60,000
MSE/CS Magnet Programs at Suncoast High School, 8/18/08 - 5/15/09
PI: Dr. William Mech
Funding Agency: Palm Beach School District
Amount Awarded: $60,000
PurigeN98 Research Project, 5/1/08 - 4/30/09
PI: Dr. Hongwei Long
Funding Agency: N2 Revolution
Amount Awarded: $45,651
Computational Intersection Theory for Infinite Dimensional Dynamical Systems
, 8/1/14 - 6/30/16
PI: Jason Mireles-James
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Transferred to FAU: $45,564
Secure Implementation of Post-quantum Cryptography, 11/1/13 - 10/31/16
PI: Rainer Steinwandt
Funding Agency: North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Amount Awarded: $38,140
Forty-Sixth and Forty-Seventh Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing
, 8/14/14 - 8/13/16
PI: Frederick Hoffman; Co-PI: Stephen Locke
Funding Agency: National Security Agency
Amount Awarded: $33,994
Avian Influenza: Modeling, Analysis and Implications for Control, 8/1/14 - 8/31/16
PI: Necibe Tuncer
Funding Agency: University of Florida/National Science Foundation
Amount Transferred to FAU: $25,130
Thirty-sixth Southeastern International Conference, 11/24/04 - 5/23/06
PI: Dr. Frederick Hoffman
Funding Agency: National Security Agency
Amount Awarded: $18,500
International Workshop on Concentration, Functional Inequalities & Isoperimetry, 10/1/09 - 9/30/10
PI: Dr. Mario Milman
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $16,000
Thirty-fifth Southeastern International Conference, 12/11/03 - 6/10/05
PI: Dr. Frederick Hoffman
Funding Agency: National Security Agency
Amount Awarded: $12,500
Thirty-fourth Southeastern International Conference, 8/27/02 - 8/26/03
PI: Dr. Frederick Hoffman
Funding Agency: National Security Agency
Amount Awarded: $12,500
Thirty-third Southeastern International Conference, 3/4/02 - 9/30/03
PI: Dr. Frederick Hoffman
Funding Agency: National Security Agency
Amount Awarded: $12,500
Thirty-eighth Southeastern International Conference, 12/20/06 - 12/19/07
PI: Dr. Frederick Hoffman
Funding Agency: National Security Agency
Amount Awarded: $12,000
Thirty-seventh Southeastern International Conference, 2/27/06 - 2/26/07
PI: Dr. Frederick Hoffman
Funding Agency: National Security Agency
Amount Awarded: $12,000
Workshop on Constructive Mathematics, 9/1/09 - 8/31/10
PI: Dr. Robert Lubarsky
Co-PI: Dr. Fred Richman
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $11,400
MAMLS 2012, 9/16/11 - 1/15/12
PI: Dr. Robert Lubarsky
Funding Agency: Research Foundation CUNY
Amount Awarded: $10,000
Serre Duality for Systems of Submodules, 10/1/08 - 12/31/08
PI: Dr. Markus Schmidmeier
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $9,300
Travel Support for the Weekend Algebra Conference, 7/1/03 - 6/30/04
PI: Dr. Lee Klingler
Co-PI: Dr. Markus Schmidmeier
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $9,000
Study of US Math Teacher Prep: US TEDS-M Initiative, 1/1/08 - 7/31/09
PI: Ms. Emily Ann Cimillo
Funding Agency: Michigan State University
Amount Awarded: $8,790
Algebraic Side Channel Analysis, 6/1/11 - 5/31/12
PI: Dr. Thomas Eisenbarth
Funding Agency: Oak Ridge Associated Universities
Amount Awarded: $5,000
Updated on 7/13/17