56th Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing

March 3-7, 2025



*  Special Session

Graph Decompositions Organizers:  Sarah Heuss (University of South Carolina, Union), John Carr (University of North Alabama)
*** Special Session: Graphs and Matrices Organizers: Mary Flagg (St, Thomas University, TX), Leslie Hogben (American Institute of Mathematics)
Highlighted Events    
Open Problem Session   Lightning Talks Organizers: Stephen Locke (Florida Atlantic University), Richard Low (San Jose State University)
Career Panel Business, Industry and Government Career Panel

Organizers: Beth Morrison (Air Force Research Lab), Maria Provost (Florida Atlantic University)




Adeyemi, Morayo  Howard University New Occurrences of the Central Delannoy Numbers in Z2[x] and Related Generalized Second Order Lattice Path Set Moments
Akelbek, Mahmud Weber State University On the Convergence of Leslie Matrix by Using Scrambling Index
Adenew, Arsema  Howard University New Occurrences of the Central Delannoy Numbers in Z2[x] and Related Generalized Second Order Lattice Path Set Moments
Akinola, Fatima * University of Florida On cyclic symmetric Hamilton cycle decompositions of complete multipartite graphs
Balof, Barry Whitman College Selfish Sets, Posets, Tilings, and Bijections
Banegas, Daniel * University of Minnesota, Duluth Designs for Forests with Seven Edges
Beer, Jonathan Yeshiva University Crossing Spectrums for Polyomino Graphs
Bereg, Sergey The University of Texas at Dallas On van der Waerden numbers
Bickle, Allan Purdue University Intersecting Families of 3-sets
Bjorkman, Beth *** Air Force Research Laboratory Fragile Power Domination 
Blair, Howard Syracuse University Degree of Unsolvability of Arising from In nitary Choice
Bowling, Andrew Wabash College Zonal Labelings of Plane Graphs Using Arbitrary Abelian Groups
Brennan, Zachary *** Iowa State University Reversion probabilistic zero forcing: a discrete-time contact process
Brown, Jason Dalhousie University Graphical, Simplicial and Statistical Methods for Data Analysis, with an Application to Music
Cameron, Kathie Wilfrid Lauruer University Reconfiguration in Tournaments
Carlson, Josh *** Drake University Bridge Burning Cops and Robbers
Carr, John * University of North Alabama Designs of Variations of Conflict-Free-Colorings of Rectangular Lattices
Carrigan, Braxton Southern Connecticut State University Skolem number of Qn
Chalise, Parik * Johns Hopkins University Every tree on n edges decomposes Kn,n
Chatterjee, Ritabrato * Western Michigan University The Ramsey Index of a Graph
Choi, Sul-young Le Moyne College Strong coloring of hypercubes
Cruz Molina, Miguel University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras. Some applications of our generalized HITS and link prediction algorithms to gene regulatory networks of Drosophila melanogaster flies reared in microgravity
Curbelo, Isreal R. Kean University Online interval coloring on short interval graphs and two-count interval graphs
Curran, Stephen University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown Pyramid Nim
Curtin, Brian University of South Florida A point-line incidence structure
da Silva, Poly H. Columbia University Constructing Intermediate Breakpoint Medians of Random Genomes
Davenport, Dennis Howard University Row Sums and Alternating Row Sums of Exponential Riordan Array
Delgado, Moises University of Puerto Rico Cayey An Extension of Our Bound on the Number of Absolutely Irreducible Factors of a Multivariate Polynomials
Denton, Abigail * Stetson University Primitive Star Decompositions of Complete Graphs
Doherty, Faun Washington & Jefferson College Characterization of 3-Foldable Words
Edmonds, Jack University of Waterloo Ray and Me
English, Sean UNC Wilmington Rational Exponents for Cliques
Fallat, Shaun *** University of Regina Minimum number of distinct eigenvalues of distance-regular and signed Johnson graphs
Feder, Schmuel Touro College Crossing Spectrums for Polyomino Graphs
Flagg, Mary *** University of St. Thomas Reconfiguration for Vertex Set Parameters
Freyberg, Bryan * University of Minnesota Duluth A New Labeling for Decomposing Complete Graphs into Bipartite Graphs
Gilroy, Haile McNeese State University/Auburn University On the Existence of Balanced Chain Rule Task Sets
Gismondi, Stephen * University of Guelph Ted's Polytope
Gnang, Edinah *** Johns Hopkins University A Proof of the Tree Packing Conjecture
Goedgebeur, Jan KU Leuven An introduction to computational graph theory and generation algorithms Part 1: Cubic graphs and snarks
Goedgebeur, Jan KU Leuven An introduction to computational graph theory and generation algorithms Part 2: Fullerenes and the House of Graphs
Gould, Ronald Emory University Extensions of the Chvátal-Erdös Theorem
Guan, Puhua University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Strong coloring of hypercubes
Heath, Emily California State Polytechnic University An introduction to the Erdös–Gyárfás generalized Ramsey problem
Heath, Emily California State Polytechnic University The conflict-free hypergraph matching method and generalized Ramsey numbers
Heck, Melissa * University of Minnesota, Duluth Decomposing Complete Graphs into Unicyclic Tripartite Graphs with |E(G)| = 7 and 7 ≤ |V (G)| ≤ 8
Hernández Cruz, César  Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Full H-colourings
Heuss, Sarah  USC Union Neighborhood Representatives
Higgins, Clayton * University of Minnesota, Duluth Decomposition of Complete Graphs Into Certain Unicyclic Bipartite Graphs With 7 Edges
Hong, Yujeong * University of Minnesota, Duluth Decomposing Complete Graphs into Unicyclic Tripartite Graphs with |E(G)| = 7 and 7 ≤ |V (G)| ≤ 8
Hunnell, Mark *** Winston-Salem State University Minimum Rank of Small Graphs
Jacob, Bonnie *** Rochester Institute of Technology When “wellness” meets zero forcing
Jacob, Jobby Rochester Institute of Technology Rankings and generalizations
Jent, Emma * Western Michigan University Multiple Monochromatic Subgraphs in Edge-Colored Graphs
Kingen, Sandra ** Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center, CUNY Pancyclicity of Almost-Planar Graphs
Kita, Nanao * Nagoya University Dulmage-Mendelsohn Decomposition for the Minimum Odd Join Problem in Bipartite Graphs
Koch, Johnathan *** Applied Research Solutions Fragile Power Domination II
Koch, Johnathan Applied Research Solutions The Power Domination Toolbox
Kreher, Donald Michigan Technological University Near-factorization of finite groups
Lee, Ashlyn Howard University (r,k)-Zebra Tree and Schr¨oder Paths
Lee, Jon University of Michigan On disjunction convex hulls by lifting
Low, Richard San Jose State University New Diagonal Ramsey Numbers of Even Cycles with Pendant Edges
Lozano Chávez, Humberto Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Cops and robbers on token graphs of trees
McAdams, Stacey Louisiana Tech University Characterizing Critical Graphs for Oriented Book Embeddings
Merz, Sarah University of the Pacific Containment-intersection Graphs of Disks and Intervals
Messinger, Margaret-Ellen Mount Allison University A mixed-model for domination reconfiguration
Mihnea, Amalya Florida Memorial University Connecting Concepts to Develop New Methods of Deriving Combinatorial Formulas
Minyard, Mitchell Baylor University Limits and Periodicity of Metamour 2-Distance Graphs
Mukhopadhyay, Gourab University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Sums of cubes over odd-index q-Fibonacci numbers
Myers, Timothy Howard University Higher Order Lattice Path Set Moments and Central Delannoy Numbers
Nguendang, Philippe Howard University New Occurrences of the Central Delannoy Numbers in Z2[x] and Related Generalized Second Order Lattice Path Set Moments
Osborn, Sawyer Western Michgan Universityt From a Chessboard Problem to a Graph Coloring Problem
Pervin, Edward Aerospace and Defense A Petersen Graph construction of the Extended Ternary Golay Code
Pfaltz, John University of Virginia The Shape of Discrete Operator-closed Systems
Powell, Samuel Utah State University Fractional Vertex Cover Reliability of Graphs
Radziszowski, Stanislaw Rochester Institute of Technology Progress on Small and Large Ramsey Numbers
Ryan, Kathleen DeSales University Degree Sequences of Partial Halin Graphs
Schroeder, Michael * Stetson University Primitive C4 -decompositions of cocktail party graphs
Schuerger, Houston *** The University of Texas Permian Basin Cut-forcing: vertex cuts, matchings, and zero forcing variants
Schwartz, Andrew Southeast Missouri State University The Zero Forcing Numbers of Peony Graphs and Web Graphs
Seamone, Ben Dawson College & Université de Montréal Ramsey numbers of signed graphs
Sepanski, Mark * Baylor University Robinson–Schensted Shapes Arising From Cycle Decompositions
Sinko, Anne College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University   Gestalt-GNN: A Novel Approach to Enhnace AI Decision Interpretability
Soifer, Alexander University of Colorado Colorado Springs New results and old and new open problems and conjectures related to the chromatic number of the plane problem
Spencer, Joel New York University and Courant Institute Random Gems
Spencer, Joel New York University and Courant Institute Great Students!
Su, Hsin-hao Stonehill College On Subdivision Graphs of Cylinder Graphs which are 2-steps Hamiltonian II
Tidwell, David * Freed-Hareman University Double-Rainbow Paths, and their applications
Tiemeyer, Michael * Georgia Southern University On z-cycle factorizations with two associate classes where z is in {4, 4a} with even parameters
Tiner, Gary Faulkner University On the Loebl-Koml´os-S´os Conjecture for large spiders.
Wang, Shaohui Louisiana Christian University Domination and packing complexity of honeycomb networks
Wesley, William University of California, San Diego New bounds for some 3-color Ramsey numbers
Wierman, John Johns Hopkins University An Upper Bound for the Bond Percolation Threshold of the Face-Centered Cubic Lattice Via a Growth Process Approach
Wisby, Justin Florida International University Domination in Tensor Product of Path Graphs
Yang, Jiayu University of Idaho Uniquely Bi-embeddable Bipartite 2-regular Graphs
Young, Derek *** Mount Holyoke College Combinatorial Parameters for Cobipartite Graphs
Young, Michael *** Carnegie Mellon University The Relationship Between the Zero Forcing Number and Independence Number of Cubic Graphs
Zabel-Mena, Alec University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras Absolute Irreducibility of Generalized Trinomials Defined by APN Functions of The Form f(x) = x3 + h(x) over Fs2


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