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Earn Extra Money  working with Math Boot Camp!

When:  Between Spring and Summer semesters!
            April/May, 2025
For more information, Click HERE!

Interested?  Fill out the form!


Witness the next big startup stars from Florida Atlantic compete for seed funding! Register now (FREE) to save a seat: 2025 Florida Atlantic Business Pitch Competition
  • Thursday, April 3rd | SF-107, Schmidt Family Complex
  • 1:00pm | Andria Beal, EpiPaws Founder & $250k Croc Tank Winner with Shark "Mr. Wonderful", will kick things off! 
  • A huge thank you to local veteran-owned Graze Craze Boca Raton for sponsoring our competition break with a sampling of their delicious charcuterie boards.
Meet the 7 finalists - and more detailed info here: 2025 Business Pitch Competition | Student Track Finalists
Florida Atlantic Adams Center for Entrepreneurship
College of Business, Carl DeSantis Pavilion, DS-201 |  +1 561-297-3653


SIAM - Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

SIAM Reading Group

April 7, 2025
ˆ Venue: Science Building (SE-43), Room 215
ˆ Time: 4 - 5 PM
ˆ Speaker: Ganesh Shiwakoti


More Undergraduate and Graduate Student Opportunities


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Master of Science in Mathematics

This program is designed to provide a foundation for mathematical work and application of mathematics in scientific or technical fields and industry.  It should normally take a full-time student two years to complete.  Five concentrations are offered: pure mathematics, applied analysis, biostatistics, cryptology, and information security, and financial mathematics.  Students can enter an accelearated joint-graduate program in mathematics and electrical engineering, leading to an M.S. degree in mathematics and a Ph.D. in electrical engineering.  See graduate level advisors for details.  

Admission Requirementsare offered:  

In addition to meeting the University graduate admission requirements (including a score of at least 155 on the quantitative reasoning section of the GRE), applicants must have a bachelor's degree in mathematics or coursework that includes the equivalent of Introduction to Advanced Mathematics, Modern Algebra, and Probability and Statistics 1, as well as computer competency. Applicants who do not meet all of the requirements will still be considered for conditional admission. 

A Bachelor's degree in Mathematics (or equivalent coursework) with at least 3.0 GPA (or equivalent), three letters of recommendation documenting the applicant's prior work in mathematics focusing on preparation and suitability for success in graduate-level mathematics courses, a quantitative general GRE (revised) score of at least 155, and approval of the departmental graduate committee. In addition, it is recommended to include scores of the GRE subject test mathematics as part of the application package.

If your undergraduate major is not in Mathematics, see our  Frequently Asked Questions  page for a list of required prerequisite coursework.

Interested in the Master of Science in Teaching?  Click here.

Click here for detailed application steps:  application information

Degree Requirements

To complete the M.S. degree in Mathematics, the candidate must complete at least 30 credits of graduate coursework and satisfy the following criteria in addition to University requirements:

To complete the M.S. degree in  Mathematics, the candidate must complete at least 30 credit hours of graduate course work, and satisfy the following criteria in addition to University requirements:

1. Earn at least 24 credits in courses specified in a degree concentration, pre-approved by the graduate advisor in mathematics, at least 15 credits of all credits applied to the degree must be at the 6000-level.  

2. If pre-approved by the department graduate committee, up to 12 credits of FAU coursework from outside of the Department of Mathematical Sciences may count toward the degree.

3. Complete one of the following three capstone options below.

  • Successfully complete and defend a master's thesis, earning at least 6 credits of MAT 6971 (Master's Thesis).
  • Successfully complete and report on an Industrial Internship, earning at least 6 credits.
  • Successfully complete a Master’s examination.  The exam should be scheduled during the semester before the anticipated completion of coursework for the degree. Students should contact the departmental graduate director to schedule the exam.

For information about the PHD, MS, and AMST programs contact
Prof. Stephen Locke, Graduate Director, at
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Florida Atlantic University
777 Glades RD
Boca Raton, FL 33431

Degree Requirements

For information about the Ph.D., MS, and AMST programs contact:
Prof. Hongwei Long, Graduate Director at
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Florida Atlantic University
777 Glades RD
Boca Raton, FL 33431

Degree Tracks
Click here to view catalog

Capstone Options


Thesis - 6 credits                                                          

MAT 6971     1-6

Masters Thesis (may be taken over multiple terms)


Internship - 6 credits


Internship in Applied Mathematics                                  

MAT 6941     1-6

Non-Thesis, Non Internship - 6 credits


Select 6 credits of graduate courses at the 6000 level approved by the department and complete M.S. exam


Concentration Options

Pure Mathematics - 24 credits

Common Core Course

Linear Algebra                                                                MAS 5145                      3 cr

Additional Core Courses - 9 credits, select three of the following four courses

lntroductory Analysis 1                                                   MAA 5228                     3 cr        

Introductory Analysis 2                                                   MAA 5229                     3 cr

Introductory Abstract Algebra 1                                       MAS  5311                   3 cr

Introductory Abstract Algebra 2                                       MAS 5312                   3 cr

At least four elective courses - 12 credits

Select 12 credits at the 5000 or 6000 level from the Mathematical Sciences Department.  A minimum of 9 credits must be taken at the 6000 level. 


Applied Analysis - 24 credits

Common Core Course

Linear Algebra                                                             MAS 5145                    3 cr

Additional three core courses - 9 credits

Introductory Analysis 1

MAA 5228

Computational Mathematics

MAD 6403 -OR-

Numerical Analysis

MAD 6704

Ordinary Differential Equations

MAP 6336 -OR-

Partial Differential Equations

MAP 6345

At least four additional courses, 12 credits
Introduction to Data Science

CAP 5768

Multivariable Analysis

MAA 5105

Introductory Analysis 2

MAA 5229

Real Analysis

MAA 6306

Complex Analysis 1

MAA 6406

Introduction to Functional Analysis

MAA 6506

Computational Mathematics

MAD 6403

Numerical Analysis

MAD 6407

Introduction to Dynamical Systems and Chaos 1

MAP 6211

Ordinary Differential Equations

MAP 6336

Partial Differential Equations

MAP 6345

General Topology 1

MTG 6316

Regression Analysis

STA 6236

Mathematical Statistics

STA 6326

Mathematical Probability

STA 6444

Applied Time Series Analysis

STA 6857


Biostatistics - 24 credits


Common Core Course


Linear Algebra                                 

MAS 5145           3 cr

Additional three core courses - 9 credits


STA 5195                         

Mathematical Statistics

STA 6326

Mathematical Probability

STA 6444

At least five elective courses, 15 credits
Introduction to Data Science

CAP 5768

Data Mining and Machine Learning

CAP 6673

Multivariable Analysis

MAA 5105

Numerical Analysis

MAD 6407

Statistical Computing

STA 6106

Survival Analysis

STA 6177

Biostatistics - Longitudinal Data Analysis

STA 6197

Applied Statistical Methods

STA 6207

Regression Analysis

STA 6236

Topics in Probability and Statistics (Stochastic Calculus)                                     

STA 6446

Applied Time Series

STA 6857


Cryptology Track - 24 credits

Common Core Course


Linear Algebra  

MASA 5145    3 cr

Additional three core courses - 9 credits

Introduction to Cryptology and Information Security MAD 5474
Crypto Analysis MAD 6478
Coding Theory MAD 6607
Select three courses (9 credits)  
Introductory Abstract Algebra 1   MAS 5311
Introductory Abstract Algebra 2   MAS 5312
Introductory Analysis 1 MAA 5228
Introductory Analysis 2 MAA 5229
Mathematical Probability STA 6444
Mathematical Statistics STA 6326
At Least one Elective Course  
Algebraic Curves MAS 6315
Cryptography MAD 6477
Algebraic Number Theory MAS 6215
Mathematical Probability STA 6444
Mathematical Statistics STA 6326
Randomized Algorithms COT 6446
Analysis of Algorithm COT  6405
Secret Sharing Protocols COT 6427
Computer Networks CNT 5008
Information Theory EEL 6532 
Computer Data Security CIS 6370
Special Topics MAT 6933
Computational Mathematics MAD 6403
Commutative Algebra MAS 6333
Topics in Algebra MAS 6396
Enumerative Combinatorics MAD 6206  
Graph Theory MAD 6307
Distributed Systems Security CIS 6375  
Cyber Security: Measurement and Data Analysis CTS 6319  


Financial Mathematics - 24 credits

Common Core Coourse


Linear Algebra

MAS 5145    3 cr

Additional six core courses - 18 credits 

Introductory Analysis 1 MAA 5228
Mathematical Statistics STA 6326
Mathematical Probability STA 6444
Applied Time Series Analysis STA 6857
Financial Mathematics 1 STA 6907
Topics in Probability and Statistics (Stochastic Calculus) STA 6446

At Least One Elective course

Regression Analysis STA 6236
Directed Independent Study STA 6907
Financial Management FIN 6406
Financial Markets FIN 6236
Portfolio Theory FIN 6525 
Applied Statistical Methods STA 6207
Topics in Probability and Statistics STA 6446
Statistical Computing STA 6106
Introductory Analysis 2 MAA 5229
Multivariable Analysis MAA 5105
Machine Learning and Data Mining CAP 6673

* As with all degree programs, the authoritative source for the degree requirements is the University Catalog that was in effect for the academic year in which the student entered the University. The information on this page does not supersede the Catalog.