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When: Between Spring and Summer semesters!
April/May, 2025
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SIAM - Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
SIAM Reading Group
April 7, 2025
Venue: Science Building (SE-43), Room 215
Time: 4 - 5 PM
Speaker: Ganesh Shiwakoti
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Honors Program in Mathematics
The goals of the honors track include increasing student interest in the Mathematics major, encouraging majors to engage in mathematics more deeply, and increasing student participation in research and inquiry.
Entry Requirements
The following items must be met before applying to the Honors in the Mathematical Sciences program:
- Written support of a faculty member willing to serve as a mentor for a capstone experience.
- A written commitment of at least one additional faculty member willing to review the capstone experience.
- Print, fill out and sign this form. Click here.
- Completion of Calculus 1, 2, and 3 and at least 12 additional credits in Mathematical Sciences at the 2000-level or higher with at least half of these credits taken at FAU.
- GPA of at least 3.3 in courses at 2000-level or higher in Mathematical Sciences at FAU and an overall FAU GPA of 3.3. The student should complete the application form and submit it to the honors coordinator. The department honors committee will decide on acceptance into the program.
Standards to Maintain Status
A student must maintain a 3.3 GPA in courses at 2000-level or higher in Mathematical Sciences at FAU and overall at FAU while in the Honors in the Mathematical Sciences program.
If a student who has been accepted to the program subsequently drops below 3.3 GPA, the honors coordinator will inform the student that the honors designation will not be received unless the student’s GPA is 3.3 or greater at the time of graduation.
Students must adhere to the FAU Code of Academic Integrity (pdf).
Honors-Level Enrichment
Complete at least two of the following activities, which may be repeated:
- Complete a graduate course in Mathematical Sciences at FAU at the 5000-level or higher (MST and DIS courses are excluded) with grade of B+ or higher.
- Complete an honors course or a course with an honors compact in Mathematical Sciences at FAU at the 3000-level or 4000-level (DIS courses are excluded) with grade of B+ or higher.
- Submit a mathematics paper to a student journal (or research journal) or the FAU Undergraduate Research Journal. Submission must be pre-approved by the faculty mentor.
- Submit a solution to a mathematics problem posed in a student journal. Submission must be pre-approved by the faculty mentor.
- Give an hour presentation at the Mathematical Sciences Colloquium or the Math Club explaining a research article that the student has read or an original result the student has obtained.
- Give a presentation or poster in mathematics at a conference or the FAU Undergraduate Research Symposium.
- Pass one actuarial exam.
Capstone Requirement
Complete one of the following capstone experiences:
- Write an honors thesis and achieve a grade of B+ or better in MAT 4970, Honors Thesis. At least one published research article must be read, and related published papers must be appropriately referenced in the thesis. The thesis must be reviewed and accepted by the faculty mentor and reviewer(s).
- Complete a semester-long internship, give a presentation of activities, and write a report, which must be reviewed and accepted by the faculty mentor and reviewer(s).
- Complete a Research Experience for Undergraduates program, give a presentation of activities, and write a report, which must be reviewed and accepted by the faculty mentor and reviewer(s).
Honors theses and capstone reports will be stored by the department and will be available to members of the department.
** As with all degree programs, the authoritative source for the degree requirements is the University Catalog that was in effect for the academic year in which the student entered the University. The information on this page does not supersede the Catalog.
Students with "Honors in Mathematics"
For information about the Honors Program contact:
Prof. T. Ford, Undergraduate Advisor
Science Bldg., Room 216
Boca Raton Campus
Office Phone: 561-297-3348
Prof. X.D. Zhang, Undergraduate Advisor
Science Bldg., Room 274
Boca Raton Campus
Office Phone: 561-297-2488