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Dr. Kasia Winkowska-Nowak

Dr. Rindy Anderson
  • Senior Instructor and Director, MST
  • Department of Mathematics and Statistics
  • Boca Raton - SE43, Room 221


  • Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL. 1996
  • Masters of Science in Mathematics, University of Warsaw, Poland, 1986

Research Interests

Katarzyna Winkowska-Nowak is a Polish mathematician who shares her life between Poland and Florida.

Katarzyna has a rigorous mathematical education both from Warsaw University in Poland and from Florida Atlantic Universty at Boca Raton Florida. She is interested in the application of mathematics into social sciences. Her main interests are application of complex systems into modeling human behavior.

Beside her scientific interest she is engaged in improving mathematics education. She works on developing materials for teaching mathematics for social scientists, college students and for teachers.

Katarzyna work extends to crating social environment which help innovative models of teaching to develop and be used by others. She was recognized by Ashoka Foundation by getting Ashoka Fellowship award as an Social Entrepreneur in 2011. She created several institutions: ROSE Teachers Association for Innovative Teaching, AKCES Foundation, and Polish Chapter of International GeoGebra Institute. She organizes conferences, workshops and seminars on mathematics and innovative education.

Select Publications

  • Nowak, A. Winkowska-Nowak, K., Bree, D. (Eds.) Complex Human Dynamics, From Mind to Societies, Springer Verlag Berlin-Heideberg, 2014.

  • Winkowska-Nowak K., Pobiega E., Skiba R. (eds.) GeoGebra. Innowacja edukacyjna - kontynuacja (GeoGebra:spreading innovation in education, part II) , Sedno, Warsaw, 2013.

  • Winkowska-Nowak K., Skiba R. GeoGebra: wprowadzanie innowacji edukacyjnej,(GeoGebra:spreading innovation in education) WUMK, Torun, 2011.

  • Nowak A., Borkowski W., Winkowska-Nowak K. (eds.): Uklady zlozone w naukach spolecznych (Complex Systems in the Social Sciences, selected topics) .  Scholar Warsaw 2010.           

  • Nowak A., Winkowska-Nowak K., Rycielska L. (Eds.): Szkola w dobie Internetu (Education in the Age of Internet), Polish Scientific Publisher, PWN , Warsaw, 2009

  • Winkowska-Nowak K., Nowak A., Rychwalska A. (Eds.):Modelowanie matematyczne i symulacje komputerowe w naukach spolecznych (Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulations in Social Sciences). Academica, Warsaw, 2007.

Synergistic Activities

  • Founder and Chair of the Polish Chapter of the International Institute of GeoGebra since 2008

  • Organizer of yearly GeoGebra Conferences for teachers and scholars since 2010

  • Organizer of yearly EWCOME (East West Conference on Mathematic Education)


  • Award of Rector of SWPS (University of Social Sciences and Humanities) for Innovative Teaching Initiatives in Polish education, Warsaw, Poland, 2008.

  • Elected as a Ashoka Foundation Fellow in 2011 (Social Entrepreneur in the area of Education).



If I have time, I like to be active riding bicycles, swimming and yoga.


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