Dr. Maria Stadnik

Dr. Rindy Anderson


Department of Mathematics and Statistics


Boca Raton - SE43, Room 360


  • Ph.D. in Mathematics, Northwestern, 2012

Research Interests

Algebraic and analytic number theory; math education.

Research Description

In my own research, I solve algebraic problems using analytic and algebraic number theory techniques.  I also enjoy thinking about my teaching, and I have explored student learning in calculus classes with a former colleague.

Recent Publications

Scholarly Activities 

I have worked for two summers with talented undergraduates on material  related to my number theory research and sponsored nine senior research projects, two of which are published.  I am a former McNair Scholar and have been involved with SACNAS ( Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in the Sciences ), PME (Pi Mu Epsilon Math Honors Society), and KME (Kappa Mu Epsilon Math Honors Society).of fractual tilings, with Judith Palagallo.  




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