Dr. Necibe Tuncer

Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Boca Raton - SE43, Room 202
About me:
My research expertise lies at the exciting intersection of mathematics and biology, with a strong focus on developing novel mathematical methods and techniques, both analytically and computationally, to address complex challenges in the field of infectious diseases.
My expertise in mathematical epidemiology lies on developing structural and practical identifiability analysis of multi-scale infectious disease models. Multi-scale epidemic models link the individual scale (within-host model) virus/pathogen dynamics with the epidemiological dynamics such as transmission of the viral infection at the population scale (between-host model). These nested models assume a specified relationship between the level of infection within an infected individual and the rate at which the infected individual transmits the pathogen to susceptible individuals. A multi-scale infectious disease model is said to be structurally identifiable when distinct parameter values generate distinct observations, and, as a consequence, the model parameters are uniquely determined from an infinite amount of noise-free data. Moreover, the multi-scale model is practically identifiable if parameters are uniquely determined when discrete noisy data is considered. The formal analysis of structural identifiability of the nested multi-scale models, which are described as integro-differential equations, is difficult, and less is known about identifiability of multi-scale immuno-epidemic models. Over the years, I have been fortunate to collaborate with esteemed researchers, resulting in numerous published articles and successful NSF grants.
, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Florida Atlantic University, 2023 - Present
Associate Professor
, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Florida Atlantic University, 2018 - 2023
Assistant Professor
, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Florida Atlantic University, 2014 - 2018
Assistant Professor
, Department of Mathematics, The University of Tulsa, 2011 - 2014
John Thompson Research Assistant Professor
, Department of Mathematics, University of Florida, 2008 - 2011
, Georgia State University, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, 2007- 2008
- Doctorate of Philosophy, Mathematics; Auburn University, Auburn, AL, 2007
A novel finite element discretization of domains with spheroidal geometry"
Advisor: Prof. Amnon J. Meir
- Master of Science, Mathematics; Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey, 2001
"On the convergence and iterates of q-Bernstein polynomials"
Advisor: Prof. Halil Oruc
- Bachelor of Science, Mathematics; Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey,1999
"Shooting Method and Extrapolation for Singular Two-Point Boundary Value Problems"
Advisor: Prof. Sennur Somali
Research/Teaching Grants:
Identifiability investigation of Multi-scale Models of Infectious Diseases, Stanca Ciupe (PI), Nisha Duggal, (co-PI), Necibe Tuncer (co-PI), September 2023 - September 2026.
NSF Grant,
DMS 1951626, Collaborative Research: Modeling the opioid and HIV epidemics
Necibe Tuncer (PI), July 2020 - July 2024.
NSF Grant
DMS-1917506, Fifth Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics, (CMPD5), 2019 - 2020.
Society of Mathematical Biology (SMB), Fifth Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics CMPD5, 2020.
NSF Grant,
DMS 1515442, Collaborative Research: Linking Within-Host and Between-Host Infectious Disease Dynamics, Necibe Tuncer (PI), September 2015 - September 2019.
NSF Grant,
DMS 1220342, Avian Flu: Modeling and implications for control, Maia MArtcheva, (PI), Necibe Tuncer (co-PI), September 2012 - September 2016.
- Preparation for Industrial Careers in Mathematical Sciences (PIC Math) Faculty for Spring 2017.
- Simon Fellowship, Isaac Newton Institute of Mathematical Sciences, (University of Cambridge), UK, July 2015- December 2015.
- European Commission Erasmus Mundus Visiting Scholar, June 2014.
Distinction Through Discovery Undergraduate Curriculum Grant for developing "Applied Analysis and Modeling in Mathematics" course, 2016.
Distinction Through Discovery Undergraduate Curriculum Grant for developing "Introduction to Mathematical Epidemiology" course, 2015.
Scholarly Activities