PQ Crypto Conference
NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology
For information about becoming a sponsor for the PQCrypto Conference, please contact:
Maria Provost, Florida Atlantic University
Conference Coordinator
Gorjan Alagic (U. of Maryland, US)
Shi Bai (Florida Atlantic U., US)
Lejla Batina (Radboud U., NL)
Daniel J. Bernstein (U. of Illinois at Chicago, US)
Joppe W. Bos (NXP Semiconductors, BE)
Johannes Buchmann (TU Darmstadt, DE)
Wouter Castryck (KU Leuven, BE)
Pierre-Louis Cayrel (U. Jean Monnet St-Etienne, FR)
Chen-Mou Cheng (Osaka U., JP)
Jung Hee Cheon (Seoul National U., KR)
Andrew Childs (U. of Maryland, US)
Jintai Ding (U. Cincinnati, US)
Thomas Eisenbarth (U. zu Lübeck, DE & WPI, US)
Scott Fluhrer (Cisco Systems, US)
Philippe Gaborit (U. Limoges, FR)
Tommaso Gagliardoni (IBM Research, CH)
Kris Gaj (George Mason U., US)
Steven Galbraith (U. of Auckland, NZ)
Tim Güneysu (Ruhr-U. Bochum & DFKI, DE)
Sean Hallgren (Pennsylvania State U., US)
Yasufumi Hashimoto (U. of the Ryukyus, JP)
Andreas Hülsing (Technische U. Eindhoven, NL)
David Jao (U. Waterloo & evolutionQ, Inc., CA)
Stacey Jeffery (CWI, QuSoft, NL)
Thomas Johansson (Lund U., SE)
Kwangjo Kim (KAIST, KR)
Stefan Kölbl (Technical U. of Denmark, DK)
Tancrède Lepoint (SRI International, US)
Yi-Kai Liu (NIST & U. of Maryland, US)
Michele Mosca (U. Waterloo & Perimeter Inst., CA)
Michael Naehrig (Microsoft Research, US)
María Naya-Plasencia (INRIA, FR)
Ruben Niederhagen (Fraunhofer SIT, DE)
Edoardo Persichetti (Florida Atlantic U., US)
Thomas Pöppelmann (Infineon Technologies, DE)
Christian Rechberger (TU Graz, AT)
Martin Roetteler (Microsoft Research, US)
Alexander Russell (U. of Connecticut, US)
Simona Samardjiska (Radboud U., NL & UKIM, MK)
Peter Schwabe (Radboud U., NL)
Nicolas Sendrier (INRIA, FR)
Daniel Smith-Tone (NIST & U. of Louisville, US)
Fang Song (Portland State U., US)
Douglas Stebila (McMaster U., CA)
Damien Stehlé (ENS de Lyon, FR)
Krysta Svore (Microsoft Research, US)
Tsuyoshi Takagi (Kyushu U. & U. of Tokyo, JP)
Jean-Pierre Tillich (INRIA, FR)
Christine van Vredendaal (Technische U. Eindhoven, NL)
William Whyte (OnBoard Security, US)
Keita Xagawa (NTT, JP)
Bo-Yin Yang (Academia Sinica, TW)
Zhang Zhenfeng (Chinese Academy of Sciences, CN)