The proposals for mini-symposiums should be submitted in a .pdf format via e-mail to Necibe Tuncer ( ).
To submit a mini-symposium proposal, please include:
• Mini-symposium title.
• Mini-symposium organizers, names, affiliations and e-mails.
• Brief synopsis of mini-symposium including justification of how the topic relates to population dynamics.
• Confirmed speakers list.
For scheduling purposes, CMPD5 mini-symposiums will consist of two hour blocks containing four (4) talks eack block. Each talk will be 25 mins + 5 mins for questions.
Mini-symposium organizers have the option of scheduling 1-3 blocks (reminder: each block is two (2) hours with four (4) speakers).
The mini-symposium proposal must contain the names of four (4) speakers per block.
Organizers can be speakers in the mini-symposium.
Mini-symposium speakers must register for the CMPD5 conference no later than February 1, 2019. To register, click here:
Mini-symposium speakers must submit their abstracts at EasyChair no later than February 1, 2019. To submit an abstract, click here:
Mini-symposium proposal deadline: December 4, 2019.
Notification of acceptance of mini-symposium proposals: December 3, 2018 and ongoing.