Ph.D. Candidate
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Contact Information
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
B.S. Université Laval (2013)
M.S. Université Laval (2016), my thesis (in French) can be found
M.S. Florida Atlantic University (2018)
Dynamical systems
Numerical Methods for ODEs and PDEs
I'm especially interested in the computation of smooth invariant manifolds.
My goal is to use analytic estimates to do a-posteriori validation through existential theorems.
J.B. van den Berg, M. Breden, J.-P. Lessard and M. Murray, Continuation of homoclinic orbits in the suspension bridge equation: a computer-assisted proof, Journal of Differential Equations, Volume 264, Issue 5, 2018. (pdf here)
J.D. Mireles James and M. Murray, Chebyshev-Taylor parameterization of stable/unstable manifolds for periodic orbits: implementation and applications, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Volume 27, issue 14, 2017. (pdf here)
J.D. Mireles James and M. Murray, Homoclinic dynamics in a spatial restricted four body problem: blue skies into Smale horseshoes for vertical Lyapunov families, Submitted 2020. (pdf here)
J.D. Mireles James and M. Murray, Translation of the paper "Connaissance actuelles dans le problème des trois corps" by Ellis Strőmgren. (pdf here)
More information on my personal research can be found on Research Gate .