Math Day 2019 - January 26, 2019

FAU Math Day 2025 - Saturday, February 8, 2025


The twentieth annual FAU Math Day will be held on Saturday, February 8, 2025, on the Boca Raton campus of Florida Atlantic University. As usual, participants can expect exciting competitions and instructive lectures designed to please everybody who loves mathematics, who is contemplating a career in mathematics or science, or who already is pursuing such a career. If you are a high school student who likes and enjoys mathematics come for a day of excitement and fun, with a chance to win prizes and to learn more about mathematics. If you are a teacher, come to see your students compete and to meet your college colleagues. Math Day is an opportunity for high school mathematics faculty and mathematically inclined students of schools in Palm Beach, Broward, Martin and Dade counties, and for math faculty and students at Florida Atlantic University to get together, get to know each other, and share their appreciation of mathematics.

The current Math Day will follow the format of the previous one; with two competitions: An individual competition, with prizes for the winner and the two runner ups, and a team competition very loosely modelled on the AMS competition Who Wants to be a Mathematician. This last competition will alternate between mathematics questions, and what could be called Math Trivia questions; i.e., questions from the history of mathematics.We will award three prizes for that competition: Best in the math part, best in the so called trivia part, best overall. In addition to the competitions, there will be other opportunities to win prizes during the day. More details on the competitions will be forthcoming as we get closer to the day itself.

This year's keynote speaker is Professor Stephen Locke, from our Department of Mathematics and Statistics. Professor Locke got his Ph. D. from the University of Waterloo and he is an expert in graph theory, combinatorics and mathematical problem solving. His talk will be on "Math Games (or why 3+5=6)." We are very much looking forward to his address on Math Day.

Registration:    Students can register as individuals or be registered by a teacher as part of a team. Students registered as part of a team are also automatically registered as individuals and can take part in both competitions. Registration is free and is on a first come, first served basis. It will be held open until 250 students are registered or until 5PM of Thursday, February 6, whichever happens first. Depending on the number of participants, late, at the door registration might be allowed. We would like to invite all high school teachers to register one or more teams of three to five students to represent their school. To register, please click on the appropriate link below.

Teachers registering a team, please click here

Students registering individually, not part of a team, please click here

Teachers registering individually, please click here

The rules for the competitions are:

  • For both competitions, the only allowed implements are pencils (or pens), and paper. The use of any computational devices that use any form of electric power, including all types of calculators, iphones, ipads, droids, etc. is strictly forbidden. Any individual or team displaying any of these objects will be immediately disqualified. You should not need any of them. We will allow, however, an abacus, or a slide rule, or a set of Napier's bones.
  • For the team competition, a team consists of three to five students of the same school, sponsored by a teacher from the school. We will allow non-sponsored teams to compete, but they will not be in the running for the cash prize (though they might win other prizes). Sponsored teams play for their school and the sponsoring teacher (or her/his representative) picks up the prize of the winning team.
  • In the description of prizes below, Winning Team A is the team with the best score in the math part. Wining Team B is the team representing a school other than the school of Winning Team A with the highest best overall score. Winning Team C is the team with the highest score in the math trivia part, from a school other than the schools of teams A and B.
  • There will be prizes; to be determined. Winners will also get trophies.
  • There also will be some symbolic prizes for the teachers attending the event.
  • A dispute center will be set up to deal with possible disputes. The decision of the judge or judges at the center will be final.


Tentative Schedule

8:00-8:30 AM Pick up registration packages
8:30-9:00 AM Reception by the Chair of Mathematical Sciences at FAU (GN 101)
9:00-10:15AM Individual Competition (GN 101)

Lecture for Sponsors:
TBA (PS 109)
10:30-11:30AM Keynote Address:

Title: Math Games (or Why 3+5=6)


Professor Stephen Locke

11:30AM-1:00PM Lunch
1:30-3:00PM Team Competition
3:00-3:30PM Awards Ceremony (Sponsors)(GN 101)

For questions or suggestions, send your e-mails to

Suggestions from teachers, especially from those who attended previous Math Days, are particularly welcome.

About FAU

Florida Atlantic University serves over 30,000 undergraduates, and 5,000 graduate and professional students in a rapidly expanding urban environment with the main campus located three miles from the Atlantic Ocean, on an 850-acre site in Boca Raton. The department of mathematical sciences offers the degrees BA, BS, MS, MS in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, MS in Teaching, and Ph.D. in Mathematics. There are 35 faculty members in the department, most of them actively engaged in research in areas that range from the purely classical to cutting-edge applications in biomathematics and communications security. Students graduating from the department have the option of pursuing careers in teaching, in industry, or continue their mathematical education by enrolling in a graduate program, either at FAU or elsewhere. For qualified students, the department offers a combined BS-MS program.


Math Day 2025 is made possible through several very generous donors.

This year, Math Day will be organized by Dr. Veronika Kuchta, Emily Cimillo, Maria Provost, and Arjun Ravichetti. Dr. Tomas Schonbek retired in December 2024 and has passed the torch to Dr. Veronika Kuchta to continue our Math Day tradition. The competition problems are prepared by math faculty. Moreover, Math Day would not be possible without the enthusiastic and indispensable support received from the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, the Center for Cryptology and Information Security, the staff, faculty, and students of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, and last, but definitely not least, from all the hard working high school mathematics teachers in Broward, Palm Beach, Dade, and Martin counties.